What are the customs duties in Nigeria?

Column:Exhibition news Time:2020-06-01
Frequently Asked Questions at Exhibitions F&Q

Tariff rate inquiry

Enterprises engaged in trade cooperation with Nigeria can check the tariff rates of related products through the website of Nigerian customs.

The website is as follows: https://www.customs.gov.ng/Tariff/
Query method: 1. Enter the website and enter the customs code (HS Code) of the product in the left search bar, or enter keywords on the right to search

2. Taking the keyword "steel" as an example, the query results are as follows:

 After querying, it will display some SU=System Unit, ID=Import Duty, VAT=Value Added Tax,

LVY=Levy (tax), EXC=Excess Duty (consumption tax)


3. You can also click on the "Download full tariff in Excel format" option above to download the complete set of tariff Excel sheets:

The contents of the Excel sheet are as follows:



(This QR code is a Nigerian trade platform QR code, which is independently maintained by Shandong Zhenghe International Exhibition Company. It updates Nigerian related information from time to time. Welcome to follow.)

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